Monday 16 July 2012

Node.js integration to Drupal.

Node.js integration
This module adds Node.js integration to Drupal.
1. Install Node.js.

 Installing Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu/Debian

How to Install Node.js

2. Install required Node.js modules with the Node Package Manager (NPM).
Make sure you are in the nodejs module directory - NPM needs the package.json
file that comes with the nodejs module to install the right modules.
cd path/to/your/nodejs/module/directory
npm install
npm uninstall express
npm install express@2.5.9
3. Create a 'nodejs.config.js' file in your nodejs module directory.
Read the 'nodejs.config.js.example' file. A basic configuration can be as simple as:
* This configuration file was built using the 'Node.js server configuration builder'.
* For a more fully commented example see the file nodejs.config.js.example in the root of this module
backendSettings = {
Set debug to false when you are happy with your setup.
4. Run the node server with the command: node server.js
As long as you have 'debug: true' in your configuration file, you'll see lots of helpful messages.

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