Sunday 1 July 2012

how to install ImageMagick on Ubuntu

Installing ImageMagick on Ubuntu with PECL is really simple. But i want to share with you how to install it beside to remind myself someday, if i forget how to install it. ImageMagick is a php library for image processing. But they are not developed just for PHP library only, now they have library for Ruby, Perl, Phyton, etc. You can visit their official website here.

Let’s continue to how to install ImageMagick/Imagick on Ubuntu:
1. Open your terminal
2. Install php-pear if you don’t install it yet with this command:

sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
3. Install ImageMagick with this command:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev
4. Install imagick with pecl, with this command:

sudo pecl install imagick
5. Open your php.ini and add this line:

That’s it, now you can use ImageMagick library in PHP. Have a nice day

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