Sunday, 1 July 2012

Apache Solr 3 on Drupal 7 Turtorial with screen shots

This page will cover how to Install and configure all the Drupal 7 modules to an existing Solr 3
On previous pages I have already covered:

Download the Drupal 7 Modules for Solr

1. Download the modules required
#drush dl search_api_solr apachesolr search_api_spellcheck apachesolr_autocomplete search_api
2. Down load the Solr PHP client from (
3. Extract the file and put it in the /opt/www/drupal6/sites/all/libaries directory
      |- SolrPhpClient
         |- Apache/
         |- ChangeLog
4. Enable the modules as shown
#drush en search_api_solr apachesolr search_api_spellcheck apachesolr_autocomplete search_api

Configure Solr to use the Drupal schema that comes with the apachesolr module

5. Before configuring the modules in Drupal, test the existing Solr instance.
Go to http://YourSolrServer:8983/Solr/core0/admin in your browser
6. Check that the Drupal Schema is showing in Solr similar to below.

Click on Schema and see that Drupal is mentioned.
This is important: If Drupal is not listed in the schema, then you will need to add the files from the solr-conf directory of the Drupal ApacheSolr module.
The apachesolr module comes with a schema.xml, solrconfig.xml, and protwords.txt file which
must be used in your Solr installation.
     drupal/sites/all/modules/apachesolr/solr-conf# ls

7. Save the apache-solr-3.5/example/solr/core0/conf/schema.xml by renaming it to something like schema.bak. Then move the solr-conf/schema.xml that comes with this Drupal module to take its place. Since we are using Solr 3.5 or later, we can use solr-conf/schema-solr3x.xml instead.
8. Similarly, save apache-solr-3.5/example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml by rename it to solrconfig.bak. Then move the solr-conf/solrconfig-solr3x.xml that comes with the apachesolr module to take its place.
Make sure that the apache-solr-3.5/example/solr/core0/conf/directory includes the following files - the Solr core may not load if you don't have at least an empty file present:
9. Do the same thing for the other multicore directory in Solr apache-solr-3.5/example/solr/core1/conf/.
You can then start Solr. For the example application, go to $SOLR/example/ and issue the following command: java -jar start.jar
10.Configure the Drupal search-api-solr module as shown
go to http://drupalsite/admin/config/search/search_api and make sure it is mostly blank like this.

11. Configure the apachesolr search modules as shown
Go to http://drupalsite/admin/config/search/apachesolr and set as shown on the next few screens

12. Click the settings tab and click the link circled in red to add the Solr server conection informaiton.

13. To increase the number of pages sent for indexing on each cron, click the Advanced Configuration and change as shown.

14. On the settings page configure as shown

15. After saving the above screen go back to it and click the test button to make sure it connects to the Solr server ok.

16. Next, click the Pages/Blocks tab
17. Edit the Core search settings as shown
Optional: Change the Solr configuration to commit records every 20 seconds instead of every 120 seconds, so items show up in the search sooner.
18. To change the 2 minute delay in Solr for commits edit the example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml file
Change this section, to shorten the autoCommit from 120 sec to 20 seconds
 <autoCommit> <maxDocs>2000</maxDocs> 
 <maxTime>120000</maxTime> </autoCommit>
  <autoCommit> <maxDocs>2000</maxDocs>
 <maxTime>20000</maxTime> </autoCommit>

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